Sunday, January 3, 2010

Security Breach Protection Breaking The 3 Computer Laws Computer Misuse Act, Data Protection Act And Copyright Act?

Breaking the 3 computer laws computer misuse act, data protection act and copyright act? - security breach protection

what can happen when they act on these three laws the law on the misuse of the computer, the computer interrupts, right to privacy and copyright?

and what can happen to any company, whether a serious breach of password security?


Jason the juggernaught said...

In broken not sure about the misuse of equipment or know of half-time data protection

answer the question write back:
if there is enough evidence against them or against the infringer of copyright, then you are bound by federal law and subject to federal prosecutors

to meet the security breach:
You are responsible for all damages which the company receives on the basis of their activities, including but not limited to, the following tasks
1. Damage to equipment
2. Data Loss
3. Recover the identity of all customers affected in May
4. The amount of time and money to solve the problem

Si said...

There are laws on the computer itself, the Data Protection Act 1998 (I think you are in the UK?) Covers all types of personal information to a greater or lesser degree. Copyright extends to all of the rights of authors or creators.

If they break the three that are in great danger, and will be) through unauthorized access to a computer system (computer fraud to take personal information without authorization (CCA) and the disclosure of information that you do not have the rights of copyright ().

Fines and prison sentences can be found online - Hey, you have to do to some work yourself!

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